All blog articles

Understanding ETF abbreviations: 1C, UCITS, MSCI & Co. explained simply

ETF names often appear as confusing combinations of abbreviations with no clear logic. But they actually follow fixed patterns and contain important information for your ETF selection.   In this article, you will…
ETF names often appear as confusing combinations of abbreviations with no clear logic. But they actually follow fixed patterns and contain important information for…
31. Oktober 2024

Best broker Switzerland 2025: 6 decisive factors you need to know

Best broker in Switzerland? Yes, it does exist! But it is not the same for everyone. The right choice of broker for your securities depends above all on your individual needs and…
Best broker in Switzerland? Yes, it does exist! But it is not the same for everyone. The right choice of broker for your securities depends…
9. Juli 2024
VIAC Erfahrungen

Our VIAC experience with the 3a pension pioneer: These 5 strong arguments convince us (the new Bitcoin investment is not one of them).

VIAC what? The silent giant with over three billion Swiss francs in managed 3a pension assets is still (too) little known to the general public. We want to change this with this…
VIAC what? The silent giant with over three billion Swiss francs in managed 3a pension assets is still (too) little known to the general public….
5. April 2024

ETF savings plan Switzerland: 3 strong reasons for the autopilot strategy

The most important success factor in wealth accumulation is regular investing. The easiest way to do this is with a Swiss ETF savings plan. For a long time, there were hardly any…
The most important success factor in wealth accumulation is regular investing. The easiest way to do this is with a Swiss ETF savings plan. For…
26. Februar 2024

Finally get your money in order with these 5 financial resolutions – forever!

Dry January, veganuary, more sport or all of the above? As sensible as these and other resolutions may be, unfortunately they are often short-lived. We want to change that, at least for…
Dry January, veganuary, more sport or all of the above? As sensible as these and other resolutions may be, unfortunately they are often short-lived. We…
26. Januar 2024

Bonds explained simply: is now the right time to invest?

For many years, bonds were probably the least attractive investment of all: zero interest rates and price losses to boot. Until recently: after the SNB tightened the interest rate screw considerably, inflation…
For many years, bonds were probably the least attractive investment of all: zero interest rates and price losses to boot. Until recently: after the SNB…
11. Dezember 2023

neon experiences (2025): Where the Swiss smartphone bank is unbeatable

Whether you’re traveling or shopping online: paying by card abroad is convenient, but usually involves high fees. Not so with neon: no exchange rate surcharges and no processing fees! But is neon…
Whether you’re traveling or shopping online: paying by card abroad is convenient, but usually involves high fees. Not so with neon: no exchange rate surcharges…
12. November 2023
Yuh Erfahrungen

Yuh experiences (2025): What the new star in the Swiss neobanking firmament can (and can’t) do

Free multi-currency account, free debit card and free cash withdrawals: Word has gotten around that Yuh scores with attractive conditions for all aspects of payments and has also convinced us. But is…
Free multi-currency account, free debit card and free cash withdrawals: Word has gotten around that Yuh scores with attractive conditions for all aspects of payments…
4. Oktober 2023

Leveraged ETFs: dream returns of over 100% or speculative bet with total risk of loss?

In the last article, we looked at Lombard loans. In this article, we’ll look at leveraged ETFs, another way to boost your portfolio’s returns. You’ll find out how these niche ETFs work,…
In the last article, we looked at Lombard loans. In this article, we’ll look at leveraged ETFs, another way to boost your portfolio’s returns. You’ll…
21. August 2023

Lombard loan when buying ETFs: a booster for your return on equity or playing with fire?

This time we are addressing a very controversial topic: leveraging return on equity using equity ETFs on credit. Yes, even more: for many investors, including the blogger community, credit-financed investments are a…
This time we are addressing a very controversial topic: leveraging return on equity using equity ETFs on credit. Yes, even more: for many investors, including…
2. Juli 2023

Long-term investment: These 7 principles are (very) important to us!

For a successful, long-term investment, you need a reliable compass. We are convinced of this. In this article, you’ll find out which 7 principles we follow to the letter – and where…
For a successful, long-term investment, you need a reliable compass. We are convinced of this. In this article, you’ll find out which 7 principles we…
5. Juni 2023

Splint Invest experience: How to invest in Rolex & Co. with just €50

If you want to make your finances less dependent on price movements on the stock market or you are worried about inflation, alternative investments can be a useful addition to your portfolio. With…
If you want to make your finances less dependent on price movements on the stock market or you are worried about inflation, alternative investments can…
21. März 2023

Withdrawal plans: How to take early retirement in a relaxed manner

Accumulating wealth is relatively simple, for example by investing regularly in an equity ETF. It is more complex to withdraw the assets you have saved so that they secure your standard of…
Accumulating wealth is relatively simple, for example by investing regularly in an equity ETF. It is more complex to withdraw the assets you have saved…
12. Februar 2023
Swissquote Erfahrungen

Swissquote experience (2025): How good and cheap is the Swiss pioneer broker really?

Formerly almost without alternative, today with a lot of competition around the ears: In this detailed review, we want to tell you about our experiences with Swissquote. You will find out where…
Formerly almost without alternative, today with a lot of competition around the ears: In this detailed review, we want to tell you about our experiences…
9. Dezember 2022
Behavioral Finance

Behavioral finance: How to avoid the 13 biggest investment mistakes

Many, including the most harmful investment mistakes, are based on behavioral patterns that we have trained ourselves to adopt over thousands of years for the survival of our species. The problem is…
Many, including the most harmful investment mistakes, are based on behavioral patterns that we have trained ourselves to adopt over thousands of years for the…
1. Oktober 2022

Women and finance in Switzerland: Interview with financial coach Melina Scheuber

Melina is a passionate Swiss finfluencer. Some of you may already know her from social media such as LinkedIn or Instagram. She regularly publishes articles about money via these channels. She also…
Melina is a passionate Swiss finfluencer. Some of you may already know her from social media such as LinkedIn or Instagram. She regularly publishes articles…
12. August 2022

Online Bank Switzerland: Zak Review (2023)

In 2018, Swiss bank Cler launched Zak, an innovative banking solution that was previously unavailable on the Swiss market: free and easy to use on your smartphone. It’s been just over a…
In 2018, Swiss bank Cler launched Zak, an innovative banking solution that was previously unavailable on the Swiss market: free and easy to use on…
26. Juli 2022

Finfluencers Panel: Swiss financial blog at the SIX BörsenTalk Flagship Event 2022

Admittedly: We were a little surprised when those responsible at the Swiss stock exchange SIX asked us to take part in this year’s BörsenTalk flagship event. A panel discussion with established financial…
Admittedly: We were a little surprised when those responsible at the Swiss stock exchange SIX asked us to take part in this year’s BörsenTalk flagship…
11. Juni 2022
Beste ETFs Schweiz und global

Best ETFs Switzerland and global 2025: And the Winner is…

On the Swiss stock exchange SIX alone, you are spoiled for choice with over 1,800 ETFs on offer. And there are more almost every day. We want to gradually untangle this ETF…
On the Swiss stock exchange SIX alone, you are spoiled for choice with over 1,800 ETFs on offer. And there are more almost every day….
14. Mai 2022

Robo-Advisor Switzerland: 3 providers in comparison

In this report, we will focus on the robots among investment advisors. The breakthrough seems to have been achieved. The range on offer in Switzerland is now large and confusing. Reason enough…
In this report, we will focus on the robots among investment advisors. The breakthrough seems to have been achieved. The range on offer in Switzerland…
14. Januar 2022

Real estate ETFs: the easiest way to invest in “concrete gold”

Real estate has always been very popular with Swiss investors as an alternative asset class. However, the current media focus is primarily on the steady rise in real estate prices and the…
Real estate has always been very popular with Swiss investors as an alternative asset class. However, the current media focus is primarily on the steady…
13. November 2021
Buy and Hold

Buy and Hold: 5 strong advantages

The dazzling stock market legend André Kostolany once said: “Buy shares, take sleeping pills and stop looking at them. After many years you will see: You are rich.” In this article,…
The dazzling stock market legend André Kostolany once said: “Buy shares, take sleeping pills and stop looking at them. After many years you will see:…
24. September 2021
Grüne Aktien

Green stocks: 40 ETFs compared

In the wake of climate change and the associated immense cost consequences, ever stricter environmental laws are coming into force worldwide. Sustainable behavior has long since become a megatrend and permeates society…
In the wake of climate change and the associated immense cost consequences, ever stricter environmental laws are coming into force worldwide. Sustainable behavior has long…
26. August 2021
DEGIRO Erfahrungen

DEGIRO experience Switzerland (2025): No. 1 broker for the fleeced CH investor?

Unfortunately, Switzerland is also a high-price island when it comes to investing. This is why we are often asked about more attractive broker alternatives. We did some research, came across the Dutch…
Unfortunately, Switzerland is also a high-price island when it comes to investing. This is why we are often asked about more attractive broker alternatives. We…
30. Januar 2021

Is factor investing worthwhile? The best 5 factor premiums in the yield check

In this article, we look at what factor investing is, which factors have generated particularly high returns in the past and what the main advantages and disadvantages of this investment strategy are….
In this article, we look at what factor investing is, which factors have generated particularly high returns in the past and what the main advantages…
24. Oktober 2020

Dividend strategy does not pay off! 3 major disadvantages for Swiss investors

In this article, we look at the dividend strategy that is very popular among private investors. As the title suggests, we don’t think this strategy makes sense. Below we take a critical…
In this article, we look at the dividend strategy that is very popular among private investors. As the title suggests, we don’t think this strategy…
22. Juni 2020
Corona Crash

Stock market crash 2020: What should investors do now?

Stock market prices, which have risen steadily since the financial crisis of 2009, apart from a few interruptions, and once again reached all-time highs in February 2020, have slumped by 20 to…
Stock market prices, which have risen steadily since the financial crisis of 2009, apart from a few interruptions, and once again reached all-time highs in…
5. April 2020

Crowdlendig: P2P Switzerland flying high!

In this article, we want to introduce you to an asset class that is still relatively unknown in Switzerland but is growing rapidly: Crowdlending, also known as peer-to-peer (P2P) or marketplace lending….
In this article, we want to introduce you to an asset class that is still relatively unknown in Switzerland but is growing rapidly: Crowdlending, also…
19. Oktober 2019

Financial freedom – hype or a goal worth striving for?

Who wouldn’t want to escape the daily hamster wheel and become financially free? Financial freedom and independence – these dazzling terms are on everyone’s lips these days. But what do they actually…
Who wouldn’t want to escape the daily hamster wheel and become financially free? Financial freedom and independence – these dazzling terms are on everyone’s lips…
7. Juli 2019

How Switzerland invests its assets

In the previous article, we learned that we are quite a savings-minded bunch. But how much wealth does this generate? Which investments are currently very popular? Which ones are wallflowers? And what…
In the previous article, we learned that we are quite a savings-minded bunch. But how much wealth does this generate? Which investments are currently very…
19. Januar 2019

Saving in Switzerland: How much Switzerland saves

We Swiss are often said to be good with money. But do we really live up to this reputation in an international comparison? And how is the savings of Mrs. and Mr….
We Swiss are often said to be good with money. But do we really live up to this reputation in an international comparison? And how…
11. Januar 2019

Buying ETFs: it’s that easy!

In the last article, we explained what you should look out for when choosing an ETF. After the choice is before the purchase: In this article, you can find out how to…
In the last article, we explained what you should look out for when choosing an ETF. After the choice is before the purchase: In this…
17. Dezember 2018

ETFs: What you should look out for when making your choice

In the last article, we reported on ETFs in general terms and showed why this investment vehicle is so attractive for private investors in particular. With the success of ETFs, the range…
In the last article, we reported on ETFs in general terms and showed why this investment vehicle is so attractive for private investors in particular….
10. Dezember 2018

ETFs: The investment revolution

As we have already shown in previous articles, there is no getting around the asset class “equities” when it comes to long-term, return-oriented investments. However, instead of taking an unnecessarily high risk…
As we have already shown in previous articles, there is no getting around the asset class “equities” when it comes to long-term, return-oriented investments. However,…
3. Dezember 2018

Your assets back on track thanks to rebalancing

In the last article, you learned how you can structure your assets according to your individual risk profile using a broadly diversified global portfolio. In this article, we will look at how…
In the last article, you learned how you can structure your assets according to your individual risk profile using a broadly diversified global portfolio. In…
26. November 2018

Asset allocation: the nuts and bolts of your investment

In the last article, you learned about the positive effects of smart diversification when investing. In this article, we want to take this topic a step further and focus on asset allocation:…
In the last article, you learned about the positive effects of smart diversification when investing. In this article, we want to take this topic a…
19. November 2018

Diversification: not all eggs in the same basket

In the last article, you learned about the magic triangle and the mutually influencing investment goals of return, availability and security. We now want to delve deeper into the investment topic. In…
In the last article, you learned about the magic triangle and the mutually influencing investment goals of return, availability and security. We now want to…
12. November 2018

The magic triangle of investing

In the last article, you learned how differently savings accounts and equity investments have performed over the last 30 years, but also how they have fluctuated. Why is this the case? The…
In the last article, you learned how differently savings accounts and equity investments have performed over the last 30 years, but also how they have…
5. November 2018

Investing money: Why investing is better than saving

Welcome to the first article on the Swiss Finance Blog! True to our motto “Independent financial education for successful investing”, we want to get started right away. Specifically, we will turn the…
Welcome to the first article on the Swiss Finance Blog! True to our motto “Independent financial education for successful investing”, we want to get started…
29. Oktober 2018