Category: Market studies

Crowdlendig: P2P Switzerland flying high!

In this article, we want to introduce you to an asset class that is still relatively unknown in Switzerland but is growing rapidly: Crowdlending, also known as peer-to-peer (P2P) or marketplace lending....
In this article, we want to introduce you to an asset class that is still relatively unknown in Switzerland but is growing rapidly: Crowdlending, also...
19. Oktober 2019

How Switzerland invests its assets

In the previous article, we learned that we are quite a savings-minded bunch. But how much wealth does this generate? Which investments are currently very popular? Which ones are wallflowers? And what...
In the previous article, we learned that we are quite a savings-minded bunch. But how much wealth does this generate? Which investments are currently very...
19. Januar 2019

Saving in Switzerland: How much Switzerland saves

We Swiss are often said to be good with money. But do we really live up to this reputation in an international comparison? And how is the savings of Mrs. and Mr....
We Swiss are often said to be good with money. But do we really live up to this reputation in an international comparison? And how...
11. Januar 2019