With this independent financial blog, we want to provide as many people in Switzerland as possible with relevant knowledge for sustainably successful investing. We are convinced that the majority of our countrymen lose money unnecessarily or make too little of it due to a lack of financial education.
LEARN MOREWe, Stefan and Toni, are self-determined private investors and founders of this independent Swiss financial blog. We realized our shared passion for financial topics in 2017 at work or thanks to a chance encounter in front of the coffee machine.
Swiss finance blog posts
Understanding ETF abbreviations: 1C, UCITS, MSCI & Co. explained simply
ETF names often appear as confusing combinations of abbreviations with no clear logic. But they actually follow fixed patterns and contain important information for your…
Learn more “Best broker Switzerland 2025: 6 decisive factors you need to know
Best broker in Switzerland? Yes, it does exist! But it is not the same for everyone. The right choice of broker for your securities depends…
Learn more “Our VIAC experience with the 3a pension pioneer: These 5 strong arguments convince us (the new Bitcoin investment is not one of them).
VIAC what? The silent giant with over three billion Swiss francs in managed 3a pension assets is still (too) little known to the general public….
Learn more “ETF savings plan Switzerland: 3 strong reasons for the autopilot strategy
The most important success factor in wealth accumulation is regular investing. The easiest way to do this is with a Swiss ETF savings plan. For…
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DEGIRO experience Switzerland (2025): No. 1 broker for the fleeced CH investor?
Die Schweiz ist leider auch beim Anlegen eine Hochpreisinsel. Deshalb werden wir oft nach attraktiveren Broker-Alternativen angefragt. Wir haben recherchiert, sind auf den niederländischen Preisbrecher…
Learn more “Dividend strategy does not pay off! 3 major disadvantages for Swiss investors
In diesem Artikel widmen wir uns der unter Privatanlegern sehr populären Dividenden-Strategie. Wie der Titel schon erahnen lässt, erachten wir diese Strategie als nicht sinnvoll….
Learn more “Interactive Brokers Switzerland experience (2025): Best broker for Swiss investors?
Nachdem unser Review über den niederländischen Preisbrecher DEGIRO bei euch auf grosses Echo mit über 200 Kommentaren gestossen ist, legen wir mit einem weiteren spannenden…
Learn more “Withdrawal plans: How to take early retirement in a relaxed manner
Vermögen aufzubauen ist relativ simpel, beispielsweise indem du regelmässig in einen Aktien-ETF investierst. Komplexer ist es, das angesparte Vermögen wieder abzubauen, sodass es über viele…
Learn more “Currently popular
Yuh experiences (2025): What the new star in the Swiss neobanking firmament can (and can’t) do
The most important success factor in wealth accumulation is regular investing. The easiest way to do this is with a Swiss ETF savings plan. For…
Learn more “Best ETFs Switzerland and global 2025: And the Winner is…
The most important success factor in wealth accumulation is regular investing. The easiest way to do this is with a Swiss ETF savings plan. For…
Learn more “Interactive Brokers Switzerland experience (2025): Best broker for Swiss investors?
The most important success factor in wealth accumulation is regular investing. The easiest way to do this is with a Swiss ETF savings plan. For…
Learn more “Best broker Switzerland 2025: 6 decisive factors you need to know
The most important success factor in wealth accumulation is regular investing. The easiest way to do this is with a Swiss ETF savings plan. For…
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