Category: Leverage

Leveraged ETFs: dream returns of over 100% or speculative bet with total risk of loss?

In the last article, we looked at Lombard loans. In this article, we'll look at leveraged ETFs, another way to boost your portfolio's returns. You'll find out how these niche ETFs work,...
In the last article, we looked at Lombard loans. In this article, we'll look at leveraged ETFs, another way to boost your portfolio's returns. You'll...
21. August 2023

Lombard loan when buying ETFs: a booster for your return on equity or playing with fire?

This time we are addressing a very controversial topic: leveraging return on equity using equity ETFs on credit. Yes, even more: for many investors, including the blogger community, credit-financed investments are a...
This time we are addressing a very controversial topic: leveraging return on equity using equity ETFs on credit. Yes, even more: for many investors, including...
2. Juli 2023